
All Stories


Mira, a curious girl from the hidden village of Lumeria, finds a map to the mystical Celestial Lake. Guided by starlight and a wise owl, she embarks on a magical journey, uncovering secrets that change her life and illuminate her path forward.

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he Wise Old Turtle's Lesson is a heartwarming story about patience, wisdom, and the power of learning from others. The story follows a young, impatient rabbit who is always in a hurry, rushing through life without paying attention to the world around

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"The Kindness Tree" is a heartwarming tale about a little girl named Lily who discovers a small, withering tree in her backyard. Determined to help it grow, she begins to care for the tree by watering it, offering kind words, and sharing her love.

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यह कहानी दो ऐसे दोस्तों की है, जिनकी मुलाकात काम के दौरान हुई और जिनकी दोस्ती समय के साथ गहरी होती चली गई। पुरूषोत्तम भारतीय सेना का जवान था, जबकि नरेश कुमार झाझरिया ग्रेफ (बीआरओ) में तैनात था। दोनों की पोस्टिंग 98 आरसीसी (ग्रेफ) के अंतर्गत 2022 में

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In a small village near the *Bay of Bengal, there lived a young man named **Appa Rao. He dreamed of a better life, but things were tough for him. He studied hard but sadly failed his 10th class exam. Feeling lost, he decided to leave his village

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ten demons

5 Coins

Once upon a time, there were ten demons. Nine of them were bad, but one was good. The demons lived in a vast forest with a big river, where they drank water and feasted on elephant meat. One day, they ventured into town. When they arrived, they saw m

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"Reunited by the Sea! A young boy swept away at the Samudra Festival 20 years ago finds his way back home. A heartwarming tale of love, loss, and redemption. Dive into this emotional journey!

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যতদিন আত্মসন্মান তোমার হৃদয়ে থাকবে, ততদিন জীবনের পথে আলোয় ভরা সব হবে

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Just a book

5 Coins

This book is collection of many stories. All of the stories are my imagination.

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My life

5 Coins

This story is about my life and my dreams whatever I think before I go to sleep everyday all the same dreams repeat in different ways in my mind.

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